Paddle Canada Rolling Skills
This half-day introductory or intermediate (self-identified) clinic is for kayakers who would like to roll a sea kayak in calm conditions.
This is a good course to take after you have completed your Paddle Canada Level 1 Skills Award. However, it is not required to be successful.
AM sessions start at 9:30, and PM sessions start at 1:30.
In the class, we will learn:
- Warm-up Exercises
- Wet Exits
- Safe Body Mechanics
- We will decide on a roll that suits your goals, level of flexibility and comfort. Some examples are the sweep or forward-finishing roll, C to C, or the back deck roll.
- Kayak Fit and Equipment
- We will properly adjust the foot pegs, back-band and/or thigh
braces for a proper fit for rolling, and - Find the appropriate paddle length for rolling based on body dimensions.
For this class, you will require: Full List
- A sea kayak, with 2 bulkheads.
- We have rental kayaks available if you do not have your own.
- You will need a pump, a whistle, and a 15m floating rope. They are available to purchase.
- A PFD is mandatory, you must bring your own.
- A paddle.
- A paddle float
- Sunscreen.
- Lunch.
- Water.
This clinic is open to paddlers of all experiences, and we offer rentals if needed.
Questions? Send us an email: info@kayak-ontario.com