Paddle Canada Level 3 - The Saugeen Peninsula
Leadership Skills on the Rugged East Coast of the Saugeen Peninsula
Paddle Canada Level 3 is an advanced kayaking course that will prepare you for kayaking in an ocean environment with tides and currents or open-water coastal adventures on the Great Lakes. This course is designed for paddlers ready for a level 3 assessment on the Great Lakes. During this course, you will build on the foundational skills you learned in Level 2.
Bruce Peninsula National Park is a beautiful archipelago renowned for its dramatic scenery, amazing hiking and world-class freshwater paddling. It is also home to the terminus of the Bruce Trail, Canada's oldest hiking trail connecting the Niagara Region to Tobermory. We will explore the area thoroughly while learning kayak skills.
- Paddle Canada Level-2 skills or equivalent.
- To obtain the award, you are expected to roll your kayak.
- A strong handle of the skills learned in Level 2.
- Experience paddling in rough water.
- You will have a turn leading the group through a scenario.
Sample Course Plan Day 1
- Safety debrief
- Risk Management presentation
- Level 2 Review
- Four Corners (turning under momentum) - Level 3 quality
- Sweep strokes
- Bow and cross bow rudder
- High and low brace turns
- Rescues in level 3 conditions
- Self rescue
- Assisted rescue
- Combat Rolling

Day 2
- Navigation presentation
- Coastal Touring and Navigation
- We will use charts, plotters and compasses to find shipwrecks and lighthouses.
- Launching and Landing
- Surfing
- Weather forecasting & Interpretation
Day 3
- Daily weather interpretation.
- Coastal Touring and Navigation
- Towing recap
- Rescue scenarios
Day 4
- Daily weather interpretation.
- Ded reckoning exercises.
- Towing scenario
- Search for play
- Rock hopping into
- Launching and landing in tricky spots
- Tides & Currents presentation
For this class, you will require
- A sea kayak, with 2 bulkheads.
- We have fibreglass sea kayaks for rent. You may use your own if you wish.
- You will need a pump, a whistle, and a 15-meter floating rope, which can be purchased.
- Dry suits are available if required.
- A PFD is mandatory; you must bring your own.
- A paddle
- Camping gear
This program includes your camping permits; please note that participants are responsible for parking permits.